Assess your digital security risks

About This Course
As Wikimedians, we are constantly connected to the internet and use a number of devices to contribute to projects, connect with community members and partake in the movement. Yet, how aware are you of risks when engaging with digital technologies and what are you doing to protect yourself?
Digital security risks are varied and continuously evolving. This self-assessment is divided into five sections, each of which represents a distinct component of digital security. While, digital security procedures should ideally be robust in all sectors, you may discover that you performed well in certain areas but poorly in others. If this is the case, don't fret! Start by focusing on the area with the lowest scores with the resources provided at the end of each assessment.
By the end of this module will:
- Be able to identify some risks and vulnerabilities when navigating the digital world
- Learn what areas of your digital security needs improving
- Have a curated list of resources to help you increase your digital safety where it is lacking